In the Good Guy Corner

51. I Have Haters. Whaat??!!

August 14, 2023 Mimi Porter, Certified Master Coach
51. I Have Haters. Whaat??!!
In the Good Guy Corner
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In the Good Guy Corner
51. I Have Haters. Whaat??!!
Aug 14, 2023
Mimi Porter, Certified Master Coach

Coach Mimi's posts on social media have generated some haters.  Listen to today's episode to learn more about that and to be empowered to not let other people's opinions stop you from doing good in the world.

For more help from Coach Mimi visit the website:

Show Notes Transcript

Coach Mimi's posts on social media have generated some haters.  Listen to today's episode to learn more about that and to be empowered to not let other people's opinions stop you from doing good in the world.

For more help from Coach Mimi visit the website:

Hi Guys, In the last episode I told you that this podcast is now 1 year old.  So great! It’s also been just over a year since I created this shift in my business to focus on helping the good guys stop suffering.  Particularly to stop suffering in their work and their relationships.  I love focusing on this because I’m passionate about it.  Too many good guys are suffering far more than they need to be.  

So…it’s been a full year.  And another fun data point to share with you about this past year is that my Facebook followers, for my business page, have gone from just a couple hundred, a year ago, to now over 5,700 followers. That’s fun, huh? And if you don’t yet follow me on Facebook, why not? Go do that. Just search up The Good Guy Corner on Facebook and click the follow button. 

And for those of you who do already follow my page you know that I generally put out 3 posts every day.  They’re posts with simple one-liners, meant to inspire and uplift and empower the people who read them.  It’s good, simple, positive stuff if I do say so myself. And some of those posts are really reaching a lot of people, including some haters.  Whaaat??!! I have haters!

There’s one post in particular that has reached the most people, over 78 thousand people have liked it with a heart or a thumbs up.  And it has had over 20,000 shares. If someone is willing to share it, I think that’s huge.  So more than 20,000 people have been inspired by it and wanted to share it with others. 

Want to know what this post says? It says, 

“How you grew up does NOT determine how you end up…YOU do!”

Let me say that again, “How you grew up does NOT determine how you end up…YOU do!”

That post has also had nearly 2,000 comments. The vast majority of those comments are super positive. People are so grateful for the empowering message and they share their own experiences of rising above their hardships to create success in their lives.  It’s awesome!

And then there are others who hate it and are angry that I’m trying to encourage and empower people.  And they completely misunderstand the message of the post.

For instance, one of the biggest complaints is that I’m claiming childhood does not have an impact on people.  No, I’m definitely not saying that.  Of course our childhood has an impact on us.  How we were raised has a huge influence on us…it just doesn’t determine how we end up. 

Some people also think my post is claiming that everyone has an equal start and equal opportunity.  No, I’m not saying that, either.  Things are not at all equal among people, and that’s super unfortunate.  Some people do have a much harder road than others. And yet that doesn’t determine the results they’re capable of. 

Other posts of mine have also been misunderstood and have created controversy. And evidently they’ve even been reported…For instance, I was blocked from making any comments on Facebook for a week.  What??  And I’ve received threats about my page being shut down.  They’ve turned out to be bogus, but still, it’s quite baffling.  And if I didn’t have the coaching tools and the ability to question my own thoughts, I would really be afraid I had done something wrong.  I mean, just a few years ago I believed that if someone was mad at me then I must have done something wrong.  Now I can question that.  And decide for myself.

I can see that people are taking my posts and simply looking through their own lens (remember that earlier episode?) and adding their own thoughts.  Their brains are adding stuff and making assumptions that aren’t true.  And that’s ok.  It just means they’re confused or they don’t want to understand or they’re not ready to be empowered.  For sure they’re doing what they’re doing because they’re believing their own thoughts.  And I’m totally fine with that.  I know my intentions.  People can be wrong about me and that’s ok.  And even if I needed to pivot how I’m getting my messages out there, that’s fine, too.  There will always be a way to put goodness out into the world. 

And that’s what I want to offer to you as well.  It’s not a catastrophe if people misunderstand you or believe things that aren’t true.  It doesn’t have to stop you from doing good in the world.  I’m going to keep posting positive, empowering messages.  And I hope you’ll determine what good you want to be doing in the world and not let other people’s opinions stop you.

Alright guys, You’ve got this.  I’ll be here next time, In The Good Guy Corner.